Make Money In Your City w/ iPhones
Posted on 30. Jun, 2009 by Meji.
With OS 3.0 recently released and Turbo SIM’s rendered useless because you can now software unlock your iPhones, the unlocking frenzy has begun which means money for those who are technologically gifted, or those with half a mind and can follow directions. You don’t even need an iPhone to do this but having your own one to practice on is very helpful. You need a few things. A computer, a mind, a USB cord, and the ability to use Craigslist.
I learned how to do everything through - they have great tutorials there.
Save all these links because these are most of possible scenarios you might have to deal with
iPhone 2G Unlock/Jailbreak on 3.0 -
* Mac -
* PC -
iPhone 3G Jailbreak on OS 3.0 -
* Mac -
* PC -
iPhone 3G Software Unlock on OS 3.0 -
Once you’ve gotten all the files and made separate folders for each scenario. Get on Craigslist in your city and in the electronics section put up an advertisement not identical but similar to this one - - if you want get more creative.
Once you’ve done all of that sit back and let the calls and texts roll in. Treat people professionally! You need WiFi if they don’t have AT&T and most people feel more comfortable dealing in a public place. There’s money to be made. Get it.
Holla at me.
via: 365 Hustle
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